Unicorn Petals came about from a passion for essential oils and a strong desire to share all the benefits nature has to offer.
From the beginning it was very clear that using the best ingredients would yield the best results, and our hand-crafted line of aroma therapy, perfumes and serums goes above and beyond to bring you both a memorable experience and truely satifying results.
Live Workshops! This month we are sharing the Unicorn Petals know-how by hosting hands-on workshops every Tuesday 7-7:45pm at Lemuria, 1423 Abbot Kinney Boulevard in Venice, California.
From personal passion to full-time job o.O
After months of research on the chemistry and benefits of dozens of essential oils, we created our first serums and perfumes, and start showcasing them. The response was overwelmingly positive so we launched Unicorn Petal and stared producing and selling our new line of perfumes and serums.
From the ancient days of Sumerian Goddesses, and later Egypt and Cleopatra, to the trade routes and seaports of Asia, the healing scents of oils often were more valuable than gold. Thousands of years later we continue this tradition of organic purity by bringing you only the best organic essential oils nature has so kindly created, in authentic hand-made Egyptian bottles primed with cubic zirconia and clear quartz gemstones.
Our exclusive collection of perfumes is made from a precious selection of pure organic essential oils, and nothing else because nature already made the perfect sents. We bring them to you in beautiful bottles with unique gemstone rollers.
Essential oils not only have heavenly scents, they also have amazing healing properties. They provide the body with the building blocks skin cells need to be healthy. By doing in-depth research in the natural chemisty of oils and skin cells we are able to find the best combinations of organic essential oils to restore skin cells to their natural health and beauty.